Article-related REST APIs

With the Knowledge Base (KB) plugin, you can grant users the ability to post, edit, and comment on articles. We designed this section to guide you in creating API requests that involve articles.

Documentation Related to Articles


Notes for articleIds:

  • While using the suggested request methods, remember all articles are also nodes and, in almost all cases, fields and parameters that work with nodes will also work with articles.

    • Please refer to the node section if you want to review the details relevant to these requests.
  • Remember: All concrete sub-types of nodes (questions, answers, or comments) share the same pool of assigned identifiers.

    • You can find an article's articleId in the original article URL after /articles/. For example: http://localhost:8888/articles/1563/overview-of-teamhub.html (the articleId in this example is 1563).
  • You can also find Article ID's when making a request to retrieve a list of all the articles.

  • Anywhere you need an articleId for a request, the nodeId will serve the same purpose (They are the same number).


Warning for Knowledge Base REST APIs:

  • The ability to create articles and ideas via our API is only possible as long as your community is running on version or higher.
    • If you are unsure of the version that your community is running, take a look at the footer in the Administrator Module, your community's current version appears there in small text.
  • If your current version is earlier than v1.6.3.5, and you wish to have full ideation and article functionality, please fill out a community update request form and your dedicated success representative will contact you.

Note the version number above is 1.6.3-final.