2.28.1 Release Notes

June 9, 2022


The 2.28.1 maintenance release includes a number of fixes and minor enhancements including the ability to now delete custom groups that were previously created and now no longer needed. The delete process provides the opportunity to re-assign users to another group or to simply remove them from the group being deleted. Users who were only a member of the group being deleted will be re-assigned to the 'user' group if no other group is specified.


Deployment of this release was rolled back to 2.28.0 due to unexpected error conditions reported by a limited number of clients. A solution has been developed and is undergoing extended testing and all features and updates of 2.28.1 will be delivered along with incremental updates in the upcoming 2.28.2 release.

Change Log

  • Updated the logic for unique user advanced analytics to improve accuracy and resolve an error introduced in 2.28.0 related to calculation of date ranges in the report.

  • Updated logic that provides cumulative user count (total user count less deactivated users) to ensure accuracy

  • MSAH-1740 / ANSUP-14103 Resolved issue where "send me a copy" option on ask an expert was not sending a copy notification to the user who was asking the expert.

  • ANSUP-12442 Resolved deliver issue with email notifications when content is sent to moderation.